EU: breakthrough on online music rights

(AP) -- The EU's top antitrust official on Wednesday described a deal among Apple Inc.'s iTunes, music companies, distributors and online licensing groups as a "great breakthrough" that would roll out more Internet music ...

Digital music sales 'to nearly equal CDs next year'

Compact discs accounted for 65 percent of US music sales in the first half of 2009 but digital downloads are expected to nearly equal CD sales by the end of next year, market research firm NPD Group said Tuesday.

Pirate Bay suitor GGF set for deal with record label

Global Gaming Factory (GGF), the Swedish online games firm set to acquire illegal download site The Pirate Bay, said on Wednesday it was close to signing a record deal with a major record company.

Minimal damages sought in Mass. song-download case

(AP) -- A lawyer for a Boston University student who admitted illegally downloading and sharing music urged a federal jury Friday to "send a message" to the music industry by awarding only minimal damages.

Mass. student on trial admits sharing tunes online

(AP) -- A Boston University graduate student accused of illegally swapping music online nonchalantly admitted in court Thursday that he has downloaded and shared hundreds of songs by Nirvana, Green Day, The Smashing Pumpkins ...

Palm's new smart phone synchronizes with iTunes

(AP) -- Palm Inc.'s much-awaited new smart phone, the Pre, can connect to Apple's iTunes software and download music and photos just as if it were an iPod or iPhone.

Minnesota woman loses music downloading appeal

(AP)—A woman accused of sharing songs online owes record companies $222,000 for willful copyright violations, a federal appeals court said Tuesday, reversing a lower court's ruling in a long-running lawsuit over music downloading.

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