Related topics: fungi

'Bionic mushrooms' fuse nanotech, bacteria and fungi

In their latest feat of engineering, researchers at Stevens Institute of Technology have taken an ordinary white button mushroom from a grocery store and made it bionic, supercharging it with 3-D-printed clusters of cyanobacteria ...

'Paternal' and 'maternal' DNA in fungi active at different times

Many types of mushroom have two different nuclei in their cells, one from the 'father' and another from the 'mother." Researchers at the universities of Delft, Utrecht and Wageningen have discovered that the genes from the ...

Mushroom geography

Iowa has corn, Idaho has potatoes and, unbeknownst to many, Pennsylvania has mushrooms. Chester County, Pennsylvania, produces roughly 50 percent of all mushrooms grown in the United States. The top 50 growers in Chester ...

Freeloading orchid relies on mushrooms above and below ground

The non-photosynthesizing orchid species Gastrodia pubilabiata smells like rotting mushrooms or fermented fruit, and is pollinated by fruit flies who mistakenly lay their eggs in its flowers. If there are rotting mushrooms ...

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