Scientists identify critical enzyme in healthy heart function

Scientists are reporting the first-ever data to show that the enzyme calcineurin is critical in controlling normal development and function of heart cells, and that loss of the protein leads to heart problems and death in ...

Carnitine supplements reverse glucose intolerance in animals

( -- Supplementing obese rats with the nutrient carnitine helps the animals to clear the extra sugar in their blood, something they had trouble doing on their own, researchers at Duke University Medical Center ...

How do kangaroos breathe while they hop?

If you hop like a kangaroo, you might be able feel the air being pushed out of your lungs. Here's why it happens and why it matters.

Curry spice could offer treatment hope for tendinitis

( -- A derivative of a common culinary spice found in Indian curries could offer a new treatment hope for sufferers of the painful condition tendinitis, an international team of researchers has shown.

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