Commercial space travel carries implications for health

(—Just a half-century after the first human ventured into space, commercial space travel—or "space tourism"—is quickly becoming a reality. A new UCSF study looks at the health implications of flying into outer ...

Researchers identify key culprit causing muscle atrophy

Whether you're old, have been ill, or suffered an injury, you've watched gloomily as your muscles have atrophied. The deterioration of muscle—even slight or gradual—is about as common to the human condition as breathing.

A fish friendly facility for the International Space Station

( -- While aquariums provide a relaxing pastime for humans on Earth, recreation is not the goal behind the new Aquatic Habitat, or AQH, aboard the International Space Station. Instead, researchers will use this unique ...

How work tells muscles to grow

We take it for granted, but the fact that our muscles grow when we work them makes them rather unique. Now, researchers have identified a key ingredient needed for that bulking up to take place. A factor produced in working ...

Apple peel makes mice mighty

For Popeye, spinach was the key to extra muscle. For the mice in a new University of Iowa study, it was apples, or more precisely a waxy substance called ursolic acid that's found in apple peel.

The pull of artificial gravity

( -- Although President Obama's vision for NASA's future calls for canceling the Constellation program that was intended to send humans to the moon by 2020, his proposed budget for the agency still holds opportunities ...

New finding may help baby boomers get buff

If you're an aging baby boomer hoping for a buffer physique, there's hope. A team of American scientists from Texas and Michigan have made a significant discovery about the cause of age-related muscle atrophy that could lead ...

Space mission for worms

( -- Worms from The University of Nottingham should be checking in for a flight onboard the Space Shuttle later this year — to help researchers investigate the effect of zero gravity on the body's muscle development ...

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