First observational test of the 'multiverse'

The theory that our universe is contained inside a bubble, and that multiple alternative universes exist inside their own bubbles – making up the 'multiverse' – is, for the first time, being tested by physicists.

Is there a multiverse?

Interest in the multiverse theory, suggesting that our universe is just one of many, spiked following the release of the movie "Everything Everywhere All At Once." The film follows Evelyn Wang on her journey to connect with ...

Astronomy without a telescope - bubblology

One model of a hypothetical multiverse has, perhaps appropriately, some similarity to a glass of beer. Imagine an eternal false vacuum – that’s a bit like a fluid, though not all that much like a fluid – since ...

Stephen Hawking: Master of the multiverse

The multiverse challenges science as we know it, and Hawking wasn't pleased with it. But our journey to the edges of time has since reshaped our vision of the cosmos, and ourselves.

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