Many US women have children by more than one man

The first national study of the prevalence of multiple partner fertility shows that 28 percent of all U.S. women with two or more children have children by more than one man.

Sheep study finds young mothers have more lambs

( -- New research suggests that being a young mother is not a bad thing for a sheep and may mean ewes have more lambs that are just as healthy than those that are older when first bred.

Tracking the digital traces of social networks

Why do we create and maintain social networks? Most people can immediately think of a few natural reasons -- we get something from the interaction, or the person is nearby and is close to us in proximity, age or gender.

Refining the search for new planets

( -- SF State's planet hunting team is trying new avenues of investigation in the quest to discover planets beyond our solar system. At the American Astronomical Society (AAS) meeting in January, graduate students ...

A faster method for multiplying very big numbers

The multiplication of integers is a problem that has kept mathematicians busy since Antiquity. The "Babylonian" method we learn at school requires us to multiply each digit of the first number by each digit of the second ...

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