Image: The sunshield for ESA's Solar Orbiter

( —Members of ESA's Solar Orbiter team watch expectantly as an essential part of the spacecraft is lowered into Europe's largest vacuum chamber: the multi-layered shield that will protect their probe from the Sun's ...

Unearthing the history of the Naracoorte Caves

( —Flinders University researcher Amy Macken has discovered the age of sedimentary layers in the Naracoorte Caves using a cutting-edge computer modelling technique that has never before been used on an Australian ...

Scanner for paintings turns out to be promising new CSI tool

A research collaborative has introduced a new method for detecting hard-to-find and concealed forensic traces. This work was officially published today in Scientific Reports and is based on scanning macro x-ray fluorescence ...

Image: Christmas wrapping the Sentinel-3A antenna

The moment a team of technicians, gowned like hospital surgeons, wraps the Sentinel-3A radar altimeter in multilayer insulation to protect it from the temperature extremes found in Earth orbit.

How does your garden grow?

Growing plants in a microscope is helping scientists to view roots developing in 3D and in real time. "With the growth conditions under our control, we can explore how roots respond to different environmental conditions", ...

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