Wages trump safety standards for global apparel workers

Factory workers in apparel supply chains are more likely to quit due to wage and benefit violations, relative to violations of other code provisions, such as environment protection and safety standards, according to new ILR ...

Slow capability development prevents strategic change

In the changing global operating environment, multinational corporations must be prepared to make strategic changes and possess the ability to reform and alter their capabilties base. If a company becomes too fixed on capabilities ...

India designs its own image as global power

Brand India is the name of the organisation that since the late 1990's has been tasked with convincing international corporations and heads of state that they should invest in new, modern India. In return for their investment, ...

Living yoga for the mind

Plants in the office are not there just to look pretty. They can lead to increased productivity, as well as improved mental health for workers.

New tool sheds light on palm oil production

Palm oil is used in a plethora of household products, from food items like packaged pastries and chips to cosmetics and soaps or even biofuels. But most palm oil is produced on mono-crop plantations, grown on huge tracts ...

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