MRI machine at the nanoscale breaks world records

A new nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) microscope gives researchers an improved instrument to study fundamental physical processes. It also offers new possibilities for medical science—for example, to better study proteins ...

Old magnets attracted to new discoveries

A powerful magnet from an MRI machine at the University of Queensland's Centre for Advanced Imaging will begin a new life in Switzerland as part of an experiment investigating the foundations of the universe.

World's most powerful MRI gets set to come online

( —The most powerful MRI machine in the world is nearing completion. The new instrument will be able to generate 11.75 Tesla, a field strong enough to lift 60 metric tons. Squeezing out those last few Tesla (the ...

Vortex pinning could lead to superconducting breakthroughs

A team of researchers from Russia, Spain, Belgium, the U.K. and the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE) Argonne National Laboratory announced findings last week that may represent a breakthrough in applications of superconductivity.

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