Corky, The Little Brown Mouse That's 100 Percent Green

( -- A computer mouse that’s made from recycled and biodegradable cork and recycled plastic components is one of 18 finalists in the Greener Gadgets Design Competition. But its technology is even greener than ...

Biologist discovers world's highest-elevation mammal

They had climbed for eight hours—Had it really been just eight? Nine, maybe? More?—after the avalanche risk of a snow-packed ravine on the main path had forced them onto a more circuitous, arduous route.

Cancer cells use 'tiny tentacles' to suppress the immune system

To grow and spread, cancer cells must evade the immune system. Investigators from Brigham and Women's Hospital and MIT used the power of nanotechnology to discover a new way that cancer can disarm its would-be cellular attackers ...

Wild mice have natural protection against Lyme borreliosis

Like humans, mice can become infected with Borrelia. However, not all mice that come into contact with these bacteria contract the dreaded Lyme disease: Animals with a particular gene variant are immune to the bacteria, as ...

Biomaterial shows promise for Type 1 diabetes treatment

( —Researchers have made a significant first step with newly engineered biomaterials for cell transplantation that could help lead to a possible cure for Type 1 diabetes, which affects about 3 million Americans.

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