Gene therapy cures canines of inherited form of day blindness

Veterinary ophthalmology researchers from the University of Pennsylvania have used gene therapy to restore retinal cone function and day vision in two canine models of congenital achromatopsia, also called rod monochromacy ...

Mouse Work: New Insights on a Fundamental DNA Repair Mechanism

( -- Adding a new link to our understanding of the complex chain of chemistry that keeps living cells alive, a team of researchers from the University of Vermont (UVM), the University of Utah, Vanderbilt University ...

Culture of an amphibian killer

(—In the November issue of the journal Molecular Ecology, a U.S. and Brazilian research team reported evidence of novel and hybrid strains of a lethal fungus that has decimated amphibian populations worldwide. ...

Atlas of an organism

While every cell of an organism contains the same genes only a proportion are expressed in any tissue at a given stage in development. Knowing the extent of gene transcription is valuable and a team of European researchers ...

Stem cells organize themselves into pseudo-embryos

The definitive architecture of the mammalian body is established shortly after implantation of the embryo in the uterus. The antero-posterior, dorso-ventral and medio-lateral axes of the body become organized under the control ...

Researchers discover three new primate species

Three new species of mouse lemurs—the smallest primates in the world—have been discovered by scientists at the University of Kentucky, along with collaborators at the German Primate Center and Duke Lemur Center.

Reconstructing the life history of a single cell

Researchers have developed new methods to trace the life history of individual cells back to their origins in the fertilised egg. By looking at the copy of the human genome present in healthy cells, they were able to build ...

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