US removes gray wolf from endangered list

The US government said Wednesday it is formally removing about 1,300 gray wolves in the Rocky Mountain region from the endangered species list, capping a legal battle that has dragged on for years.

Living fast but dying older is possible -- if you're a sheep

According to Dr Annette Baudisch of the Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research in Rostock, Germany, current methods of comparing patterns of ageing are limited because they confound two different elements of ageing ...

Tolerant species more upwardly mobile

Only a few invasive plant species succeed in mountain regions. A team including ETH ecologists have now explained, with a rule that applies all over the world, why some exotics are more successful than others - and they've ...

Rare mountain gorilla twins born in Rwanda

A mountain gorilla in northern Rwanda gave birth to twins, a rare occurrence for an endangered species which counts fewer than 800 individuals, Rwandan media reported Monday.

A mountain bird's survival guide to climate change

Researchers at Yale University have found that the risk of extinction for mountain birds due to global warming is greatest for species that occupy a narrow range of altitude. In fact, a species' vertical distribution is a ...

New frogs and geckos and pigeons, oh my

Finding a new animal species is a special moment for scientists and even better when one hops into their mountain camp and volunteers to be discovered.

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