The mystery of the Alpine long-eared bat

UPV/EHU researchers have studied the geographical distribution and way of life of the Alpine long-eared bat and have found that this species is of an alpine type—the only one among bats. The UPV/EHU researcher Antton Alberdi ...

Darwin 2.0: Scientists shed new light on how species diverge

Birds that are related, such as Darwin's finches, but that vary in beak size and behavior specially evolved to their habitat are examples of a process called speciation. It has long been thought that dramatic changes in a ...

Protected areas offer glimmers of hope for wildlife

National parks and other protected areas offer hope for threatened species at a time of plunging wildlife numbers, conservationist group WWF said Tuesday, but their success has not been universal.

'Lost world' discovered in remote Australia

An expedition to a remote part of northern Australia has uncovered three new vertebrate species isolated for millions of years, with scientists Monday calling the area a "lost world".

Help at hand to relocate threatened species

Australian and New Zealand scientists Thursday said they have devised the "first rigorous framework" on deciding whether to relocate endangered animals threatened with extinction by climate change.

The Himalayas' amazing biodiversity

Kamal Bawa's journey to understand and protect the biodiversity of the towering Himalayas began half a century ago, when he was young and traveling into the fabled mountain range's eastern foothills.

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