Learning from gorillas to save killer whales

In 2018, the southern resident killer whale population in the Pacific Northwest's Salish Sea was at its lowest ever. The world watched in September as an orca named Scarlet, or J50, wasted away and died, leaving just 74 of ...

Understanding group relationships in gorillas

A study by researchers from The University of Western Australia has found that the behaviour between groups of African mountain gorillas is very much influenced by the strong, life-long bonds they form with members of their ...

Number of wild mountain gorillas exceeds 1,000

"This represents one of the rare success stories in conservation. The population of mountain gorillas in the Virunga Volcanoes has more than doubled in the past three decades, despite intensive threats of poaching, habitat ...

David Attenborough calls for peepholes in zoos

Veteran British naturalist David Attenborough called Monday for gorillas in zoos to be kept behind walls with peepholes rather than glass panels, to respect their privacy.

What mountain gorillas reveal with their teeth

Mountain gorillas from Volcanoes National Park in Rwanda eat up to 30 kilos of plants a day and their diet is highly varied in a habitat that is becoming increasingly fragmented as a result of illegal hunting and deforestation. ...

Ugandan gorillas under threat but tourist dollars protect

Powerfully pushing through thick jungle, the mountain gorilla is fearless in the face of strangers on his territory, but the endangered ape is unaware the family group he guards survives by the thinnest of threads.

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