Fuel-saving software could be used in GM vehicles

GM Ventures is optimistic that its 2012 equity investment in Silicon Valley-based startup Tula Technology will result in a revolutionary new fuel economy technology that could be deployed in future gasoline engine-powered ...

Toyota to start sales of fuel cell car next month

There will only be a few hundred, and they won't be cheap, but Toyota is about to take its first small step into the unproven market for emissions-free, hydrogen-powered vehicles.

Toyota's hybrid vehicle sales pass 5 million

Toyota's global sales of gasoline-electric hybrid vehicles have surpassed 5 million in a milestone for a technology that was initially greeted with skepticism.

New congestion-minimization technology tested

Honda Motor conducted public-road testing of its new traffic congestion-minimization technology in Indonesia and verified the effectiveness of the technology in delaying the development of congestion, and improving fuel efficiency ...

Ferrari and McLaren unveil hybrid supercars

Hybrids aren't just for fuel economy any more. Ferrari and McLaren both on Tuesday unveiled sleek hybrid supercars sculpted from carbon fiber at the Geneva Motor Show.

Toyota, BMW working on new battery technology

Toyota Motor Corp. and BMW Group are working together on next-generation batteries for green vehicles called "lithium-air" as their collaboration, first announced in late 2011, moves ahead in fuel cells, sports vehicles and ...

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