What motivates the green volunteer?

Countless numbers of volunteers throughout the world are dedicated to nature: via citizen science or through activities like planting trees or organizing nature excursions. But who are these people and why do they take action? ...

Politics driving personal economic decisions amid COVID-19

In a normal election year, politics are often driven by economics. But as COVID-19 spurred record job losses and stock market sell-offs, Tony Cookson—an associate professor at CU Boulder's Leeds School of Business—and ...

Internet use reduces study skills in university students

Research conducted at Swansea University and the University of Milan has shown that students who use digital technology excessively are less motivated to engage with their studies, and are more anxious about tests. This effect ...

Rethinking the role of technology in the classroom

Preparing elementary school students for active citizenship in an increasingly digital world requires introducing them to the latest technologies, but engaging those same kids in the classroom and involving their parents ...

Study targets graduate student stress

Rebecca Fried readily acknowledges her doctoral research addressing stress among graduate students was, well, stressful. "The irony was never lost on me."

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