Too many choices? New study says more is usually better

Are we overloaded and paralyzed by too many choices, or is it good to have so many options? A new study in the Journal of Consumer Research says the jury is still out on so-called "choice overload."

Study: Social media sways exercise motivation

It's January – a time when students are looking for that extra bit of oomph. For some, time spent on social media might provide the necessary inspiration to get up and exercising – but that time can come with consequences, ...

We work harder against lesser rivals, new study shows

( -- People will work harder -- about 30 percent harder -- against members of a lower status group because the prospect of losing to those we want to keep below us poses threats we don't want to face, according ...

Student Rewards Often Ineffective And Unnecessary, Authors Say

( -- It seems so natural to many teachers and parents: give children rewards for doing well in school and that will motivate them to achieve more. Not so fast, according to the authors of a new book on motivating ...

Just how effective are language learning apps?

Around 70 million people – including Bill Gates – have signed up for the language learning app Duolingo. The app has received plenty of media attention, and its creators claim that it can help anyone with a smart phone ...

Class size, number of rivals fuels competiveness

( -- Class size or the number of rivals in any competitive situation matters, according to University of Michigan research showing students are more willing to try hard as the number of competitors decreases.

When does planning NOT help consumers gain self-control?

Planning your diet won't really help you gain self-control unless you're feeling good about your weight in the first place, according to a new study in the Journal of Consumer Research. And the same goes for saving money.

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