Transport of molecular motors into cilia

Molecular motors produce the force that powers the beat of sperm cell tails to generate movement toward the egg cell for fertilization. New research now shows how the molecular motors that power the movement of sperm cells ...

An up-close view of bacterial 'motors'

Bacteria are the most abundant form of life on Earth, and they are capable of living in diverse habitats ranging from the surface of rocks to the insides of our intestines. Over millennia, these adaptable little organisms ...

New way to treat cancer and vessel diseases

Cell biologists from the Lomonosov Moscow State University discovered a new way of regulating of cell motility—this discovery will make possible development of new drugs for curing onco- and vessel diseases. The study was ...

Clarified mechanism of rotation of node cilia

Our bodies look symmetrical, but most internal organs are asymmetric in shape or in position. In mouse embryos, a model animal that is closest to humans, cell groups, which are a source of organs, are symmetrical, but become ...

Turbulence in bacterial cultures

Turbulent flows surround us, from complex cloud formations to rapidly flowing rivers. Populations of motile bacteria in liquid media can also exhibit patterns of collective motion that resemble turbulent flows, provided the ...

Lipid helps keep algae and brain fluid moving

The same lipid that helps algae swim toward the light also appears to enable one type of brain cell to keep cerebrospinal fluid moving, researchers report.

A new finding on cell movement dynamics sheds light on cancer therapy

Kobe University Biosignal Research Center has discovered the first molecular evidence that cell motility, a key component in immunity, development, and other fundamental biological mechanisms, is regulated by a physical factor—membrane ...

Female reproductive tract assists swimming sperm

In mammalian reproduction, sperm have a tough task: like trout swimming upstream, they must swim against a current through a convoluted female reproductive tract in search of the unfertilized egg.

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