'Queen's English' not the best

Native English speakers should give up their claim to be the guardians of the purest form of the language and accept that the ways it is used and changed by millions around the world are equally valid.

Choosing your mother tongue, rather than it choosing you

Young Ukrainian adults are prompting us to rethink what we mean when we talk about people having a 'mother tongue', as many are working to shift the primary language they use from Russian to Ukrainian amid the ongoing Ukrainian–Russian ...

Helping refugee children to read—with computer games

Some 2.5 million Syrian children receive no education in Arabic because of conflict in their homeland. They reside mainly in neighbouring countries, such as Turkey and Jordan, where they often receive little or no schooling ...

Power of apps in preschool literacy

Australia is a diverse, multilingual country, with more than 200 languages spoken. However, fewer second-generation Australians speak their parents' mother tongues than in some other Western countries.

Children in formal child care have better language skills

Fewer children who attend regular formal centre- and family-based child care at 1.5 years and 3 years of age were late talkers compared with children who are looked after at home by a parent, child-carer or in an outdoor ...

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