Understanding crop pest evolution may boost biocontrol

The Egyptian cotton leafworm (Spodoptera littoralis) is a pest species in France. It is found throughout the Mediterranean Basin as well as in Africa and the Middle East. Moth larvae are extremely polyphagous and cause damage ...

Beneficial insect virus gets boost as crop pest fighter

Common baking ingredients may offer a way to bolster the effectiveness of Cydia pomonella granulovirus (CpGV), a natural insect pathogen that's been commercially formulated to kill codling moth larvae, a pest of apple, pear, ...

Pest preferences for cranberry cultivars determined

To determine whether insect herbivores have a feeding preference for certain cultivars of cranberry, researchers investigated the phenolic profiles in the foliage of two cranberry cultivars, then isolated and identified compounds ...

Conker trees facing peril from alien invaders

(PhysOrg.com) -- Conkers, a favourite playground game in British schools, could soon be just a fond memory if a serious threat to horse chestnut trees continues to spread. Now academics from the Universities of Hull and Bristol ...

Mammal testing could be cut by moth larvae

The number of mammals used in animal testing could be cut dramatically and replaced with moth larvae.Last year two University of Exeter scientists founded BioSystems Technologies Ltd, which provides moth larvae to researchers—offering ...

Gene technology helps deceive greedy pest insects

Worldwide cabbage farmers have vast problems with the diamond-back moth. It lays its eggs on the cabbage plants and the voracious appetite of the larvae ruins the yield. However, Morten Emil Møldrup from the University ...

Moths big and small are vanishing from southern US cities

Insects of all stripes are in the midst of a vanishing act, a catastrophic sleight-of-hand occurring so rapidly that scientists can't keep up. Things get even trickier when you consider that insects have a complex life cycle ...

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