Developing methods for building precise nanostructures

Researchers at Case Western Reserve University have received a $540,000 federal grant to devise methods for building minute structures tailored to precisely deliver medicines to tumors or carry dyes that help imaging technologies ...

Mexican technology saves papaya production by detecting virus

Mexico is considered one of the leading countries in papaya productions, but its crops are usually affected by the virus of the ringed spot, which leaves ring marks in the skin of the fruit and causes softening of the papaya, ...

Crop-infecting virus uses aphids as carrier

( —University of Cambridge researchers have shown that viruses use aphids as pawns, discouraging the insects from permanently settling on already-infected crops and using this forced migration to spread infection ...

Team uncovers more archeological treasures in southern Turkey

Shoveling and sweeping to expose still-hidden portions of a 1,600-square-foot marble mosaic that dates to Roman times, a University of Nebraska-Lincoln archeological team this past summer unearthed a new treasure in southern ...

New wheat resists stripe rust, bakes well

With the baking industry in mind, Oregon State University has developed a higher-yielding soft white winter wheat that's also resistant to the disease stripe rust.

Curiosity sends high-resolution color images from Gale crater

( -- NASA's Curiosity rover has shipped back to Earth high-resolution color images of its surroundings on Mars, sharpening our views of an intriguing channel, layered buttes and a layer of cobbles and pebbles embedded ...

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