Chronically understudied, fences hold grave ecological threats

Fences are one of humanity's most frequent landscape alterations, with their combined length exceeding even that of roads by an order of magnitude. Despite their ubiquity, they have received far less research scrutiny than ...

Is it one or two species? The case of the cluster anemones

If you dive in the Mediterranean Sea, the cluster anemone is among the most fascinating and magnificent corals you could see. You can find it on rocks or sponges, in scarcely lit areas such as sea caves and gorges, where ...

Toward a coronavirus breathalyzer test

Few people who have undergone nasopharyngeal swabs for coronavirus testing would describe it as a pleasant experience. The procedure involves sticking a long swab up the nose to collect a sample from the back of the nose ...

No disadvantages to having kids early

When some species are heavily hunted, animal mortality increases and they have fewer offspring in the course of their lives.

A sustainable Arctic has to include Indigenous groups

For more than a century, Inuit communities have carried the burden of colonialism, leading to impoverishment and suffering. The Arctic is rapidly transforming due to climate change, which only further afflicts traditional ...

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