Big-eyed Borneo slow loris tagged for first time

Malaysian wildlife researchers have tagged a Bornean slow loris for the first time as part of efforts to find out more about the nocturnal primate known for its big eyes and rare toxic bite.

Wealthier, but not necessarily healthier

One of the most famous and influential mantras of Barack Obama’s chief economic adviser - that wealthier nations are also healthier - has been called into question by a new study.

Orange corn holds promise for reducing blindness, child death

Decreasing or increasing the function of a newly discovered gene in corn may increase vitamin A content and have significant implications for reducing childhood blindness and mortality rates, according to a Purdue University-led ...

Red flag laws may reduce the growing burden of firearm homicides

A recent study from researchers at Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health has found that Florida's red flag gun law, which was enacted in response to the 2018 Parkland mass shooting, was associated with an 11% ...

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