Payday can be a killer, new study shows

( -- People are more likely to die on or shortly after they’re paid, according to a new study by University of Notre Dame economist William Evans.

Russia battles fires in Siberia, Far East

Russia is battling wildfires spreading across Siberia and the Far East, with officials scrambling to prevent a disastrous repeat of last year's deadly blazes, the emergencies ministry said on Monday.

Leatherback sea turtle nests increasing in Florida

The number of endangered leatherback sea turtle nests at 68 beaches in Florida has increased by 10.2 percent a year since 1979, according to a new Duke University-led study published in the current issue of the journal Ecological ...

Shopping with the Grim Reaper in mind

Fear of death is a universal human emotion, but does it influence our behaviour as consumers? A new study, conducted by a graduate student at Concordia University's John Molson School of Business, has explored how fear of ...

How many will we be? Are population estimates off the mark?

In 2011 the Earth's population will reach 7 billion. The United Nations (UN) reports that the total number of people will climb to 9 billion in 2050, peak at 9.5 billion, stabilize temporarily, and then decline. Despite the ...

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