New app powers better sanitation in developing world

A new mobile phone app developed by a University of Nottingham researcher is changing the lives of millions of people in Africa by giving them the power to instantly report problems with poor sanitation.

Study maps accidental killings of sea turtles

Sea turtles can get accidentally caught and killed in fishing operations, and new research out Monday seeks to map this phenomenon for the first time in a bid to save the endangered creatures.

Dead forests release less carbon into atmosphere than expected

( —Billions of trees killed in the wake of mountain pine beetle infestations, ranging from Mexico to Alaska, have not resulted in a large spike in carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere, contrary to predictions, ...

Where, oh where, has the road kill gone?

Millions of birds die in the US each year as they collide with moving vehicles, but things have been looking up, at least in the case of cliff swallows. Today's swallows are hit less often, thanks to shorter wingspans that ...

Global poverty is shrinking, study finds

Global poverty is declining and may be eradicated altogether in some countries in the next 20 years, a new study by the University of Oxford has found.

Poaching pushing South African rhino towards edge

South Africa's white rhino population will begin to decline by 2016 if the current rate of poaching continues, authorities warned on Friday, following the killing of scores of the creatures this year.

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