Scientists find new variations among sperm cells

The behavior of sperm cells is due, in part, to the individual DNA make-up of these cells, rather than only to the genetics of males, finds a team of scientists. Its results, which provide a new understanding of the competition ...

African trade routes sketched out by mediaeval beads

The chemical composition of glass beads and their morphological characteristics can reveal where they come from. Archaeologists from the University of Geneva analyzed glass beads found at rural sites in Mali and Senegal from ...

Researchers report new fern species from Yunnan, China

The genus Angiopteris Hoffmann, which belongs to the Eusporangiate ferns within the Marattiales Link and Marattiaceae Kaulf., is a crucial clade in the origin and evolution of ferns, offering significant ornamental, medicinal, ...

New Vincetoxicum species found in Yunnan

Vincetoxicum is a genus of plants in the Apocynaceae family. It is distributed in Asia, especially in mountainous areas, and most of the known species occur in China and Japan. The extended Vincetoxicum includes about 150 ...

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