Heavy metals and moose

Moose in southern Norway are in significantly worse health than those further north and in eastern Norway. An analysis of roughly 600 moose livers, combined with information such as carcass weights and ages, shows that Norway’s ...

Understanding a major source of Minnesota moose decline

New research from a multi-disciplinary team shows where a moose spends time in the spring has the strongest connection to whether the moose becomes infected with the parasite known as brain worm.

Fading wolf population to be restored at Lake Superior park

Federal officials have tentatively decided to transport 20-30 gray wolves to Isle Royale National Park in Michigan over the next three years to replenish a population that has nearly died out because of inbreeding and disease.

Hungry moose more tolerant of wolves' presence: study

Driven by the need for food, moose in western Wyoming are less likely to change their behavior to avoid wolves as winter progresses, according to new research by University of Wyoming scientists.

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