How moonlight fine-tunes animal reproduction

Animals possess circadian clocks, or 24-hour oscillators, to regulate daily behavior. These typically take their cues from the periodic change of sunlight and darkness. However, many animals are also exposed to moonlight, ...

Black swifts descended rapidly during lunar eclipse

An international research team led by Lund University in Sweden has managed to study the flight behavior of the mysterious black swift. They found, among other things, that the black swift rises to extreme heights during ...

Perseid Meteor Shower Peaks Tuesday, Aug. 12

( -- It's time once again for nature to put on its late-summer fireworks show: the Perseid meteor shower. This year's best viewing will be before dawn on Aug. 12, with a second chance after sunset that night, ...

Light pollution threatens coastal marine systems, study suggests

Artificial light at night has a profound effect land-based life—from birds to fireflies to humans. But a new study suggests we need to widen our view to include light pollution's effect on coastal marine ecosystems, impacting ...

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Moonlight is the light that reaches Earth from the Moon. This light does not originate from the Moon, but from sunlight. The Moon does not, however, reflect sunlight like a mirror, but it reflects light from those portions of its surface which the Sun's light strikes. See diffuse reflection.

In folklore, moonlight sometimes has a harmful influence. For example, sleeping in the light of a full moon on certain nights was said to transform a person into a werewolf. The light of the moon was thought to worsen the symptoms of lunatics, and to sleep in moonlight could make one blind, or mad. Nyctalopia (night blindness caused by a lack of vitamin A) was thought to be caused by sleeping in moonlight in the tropics.

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