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Life support cooked up from lunar rocks

Engineers have successfully shown how water and oxygen can be extracted by cooking up lunar soil, in order to support future Moon bases. A laboratory demonstrator, developed by a consortium of the Politecnico Milano, the ...

Studying the moon's oldest geologic imprints

New Curtin research has found the moon may have been subjected to much greater impacts from asteroids and other bodies than previously thought, building on our understanding of the moon's earliest geologic evolution.

ESO captures best images yet of peculiar "dog-bone" asteroid

Using the European Southern Observatory's Very Large Telescope (ESO's VLT), a team of astronomers have obtained the sharpest and most detailed images yet of the asteroid Kleopatra. The observations have allowed the team to ...

Japan aims to bring back soil samples from Mars moon by 2029

Japan's space agency plans to bring soil samples back from the Mars region ahead of the U.S. and Chinese missions now operating on Mars, in hopes of finding clues to the planet's origin and traces of possible life.

The search for life on Mars expands to studying its moons

A pair of researchers at the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) has published a perspective piece in the journal Science outlining the efforts being conducted this decade to find out if Mars once hosted life. In their ...

Apollo 11 ascent stage may still be orbiting the moon

James Meador, an independent researcher at the California Institute of Technology, has found evidence that suggests the Apollo 11 ascent stage may still be orbiting the moon. He has written a paper outlining his research ...

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