Related topics: moon

Scientists find Moon, asteroids share history

( —NASA and international researchers have discovered that Earth's moon has more in common than previously thought with large asteroids roaming our solar system.

NASA: Flash reports consistent with single meteor

(AP)—Reports of a flash of light that streaked across the sky over the U.S. East Coast appeared to be a "single meteor event," the U.S. space agency said. Residents from New York City to Washington and beyond lit up social ...

Cassini returns images of battered Saturn Moon

( —Following its last close flyby of Saturn's moon Rhea, NASA's Cassini spacecraft captured these raw, unprocessed images of the battered icy moon. They show an ancient, cratered surface bearing the scars of collisions ...

NYC auction offers 125 meteorites for sale

A New York City auction will offer 125 meteorites for sale, including a large chunk of the moon and a 179-pound (81-kilogram) iron cosmic rock that evokes Edvard Munch's iconic painting "The Scream."

Twin probes to circle moon to study gravity field

The moon has come a long way since Galileo first peered at it through a telescope. Unmanned probes have circled around it and landed on its surface. Twelve American astronauts have walked on it. And lunar rocks and soil have ...

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