Martian moon Phobos may have formed by catastrophic blast

Scientists now have firm indications that the Martian satellite Phobos formed relatively near its current location via re-accretion of material blasted into Mars’ orbit by some catastrophic event. Two independent approaches ...

Pioneering images of both martian moons (w/ Video)

( -- For the very first time, the martian moons Phobos and Deimos have been caught on camera together. ESA's Mars Express orbiter took these pioneering images last month. Apart from their ‘wow’ factor, these ...

New pics of Phobos from China's Tianwen-1 orbiter

Two fundamental factors affect all astrophotography—timing and location. If a camera happens to be at the right place at the right time, it can capture images that have never been seen before. And with the proliferation ...

Software upgrade for 19-year-old martian water-spotter

The MARSIS instrument on ESA's Mars Express spacecraft, famous for its role in the discovery of signs of liquid water on the Red Planet, is receiving a major software upgrade that will allow it to see beneath the surfaces ...

Mars Express views moons set against Saturn's rings

New images and video from ESA's Mars Express show Phobos and Deimos drifting in front of Saturn and background stars, revealing more about the positioning and surfaces of the Red Planet's mysterious moons.

The case for a mission to Mars' moon Phobos

Ask any space enthusiast, and almost anyone will say humankind's ultimate destination is Mars. But NASA is currently gearing up to go to an asteroid. While the space agency says its Asteroid Initiative will help in the eventual ...

Image: Phobos occults

Mars' moon Phobos has already been extensively observed – this image is just one example, taken in 2009 – so its occultation of Mars Express on 28 April 2014 is not expected to yield dramatic discoveries.

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