Russian deputy PM proposes Moon station

A top Russian official on Tuesday proposed setting up a space station on the Moon to revive Moscow's struggling space programme, a day after the prime minister ripped into its failures.

Russia sets its sights on the moon for 2020

Looks like Republican Presidential hopeful Newt Gingrich might have some competition if he wants to be the first to build a base on the Moon. Last week, the Russian Space Agency Roscosmos announced plans to put a man on the ...

Experts say Gingrich moon base dreams not lunacy

(AP) -- Republican presidential candidate Newt Gingrich wants to create a lunar colony that he says could become a U.S. state. There's his grand research plan to figure out what makes the human brain tick. And he's warned ...

Paul Spudis' plan for a sustainable and affordable lunar base

It’s long been a dream to have a human settlement on the Moon, but in this age of budget cuts and indecisive plans for NASA’s future, a Moon base may seem too costly and beyond our reach. However, noted lunar scientist ...

Aquarius to illuminate links between salt, climate

When NASA's salt-seeking Aquarius instrument ascends to the heavens this June, the moon above its launch site at California's Vandenberg Air Force Base won't be in the seventh house, and Jupiter's latest alignment with Mars ...

Japan experts call for robot expedition to moon

An expert panel advising the Japanese government called in a report approved on Thursday for the nation to send a wheeled robot to the moon in five years and to build the first lunar base by 2020.

Scholars review lunar crater chronology and impact flux

Scholars reviewed the existing anchor points and construction history of lunar crater chronology. Before the return of lunar samples, the stratification of the near side of the moon was based on remote sensing data from ground-based ...

Building bricks on the moon from lunar dust

In the coming decades, many space agencies hope to conduct crewed missions to the moon and even establish outposts there. In fact, between NASA, the European Space Agency (ESA), Roscosmos, and the Indian and Chinese space ...

The future of moon mining

Ever since we began sending crewed missions to the moon, people have been dreaming of the day when we might one day colonize it. Just imagine, a settlement on the lunar surface, where everyone constantly feels only about ...

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