Electric bugs used to detect water pollution

(Phys.org) —Scientists from our Department of Chemical Engineering have developed a low-cost device that could be used in developing countries to monitor the quality of drinking water in real time without costly lab equipment.

NASA's RapidScat to Unveil Hidden Cycles of Sea Winds

(Phys.org) —Ocean waves, the hot sun, sea breezes—the right combination makes a great day at the beach. A different combination makes a killer hurricane. The complex interactions of the ocean and the air above it that ...

Oysters act as sensitive indicators of contamination

(Phys.org) —Sydney rock oysters could have a role as biomonitors of the health of our waterways, acting as sensitive indicators of harmful levels of contaminants in water and sediments.

Medicine goes mobile with smartphone apps, devices

Thanks to smartphones, email, video games and photo sharing are available at the touch of a finger. But attach a special case and that same phone can produce an electrocardiogram (EKG) from the electrical impulses in your ...

Apple is granted hover and heart-rate monitoring patents

(Phys.org) —Apple has been awarded patents that include one for an accurate touch and hover panel, originally filed back in 2010, and another for an embedded heart rate monitor, originally filed in 2009. Details of the ...

Wireless network detects falls by the elderly

University of Utah electrical engineers have developed a network of wireless sensors that can detect a person falling. This monitoring technology could be linked to a service that would call emergency help for the elderly ...

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