New method for identifying bacteria more easily

Far too many antibiotics are used around the world. As a result, bacteria are becoming resistant to these drugs. Curing bacterial diseases is becoming more difficult than before because antibiotics are perhaps our foremost ...

Measuring the changing soundscape in Glacier National Park

From the eerie echo of a bugling elk to the gentle swoosh of water lapping against a stony shore, a unique combination of sounds helps distinguish each national park. This acoustic environment, as perceived by humans, is ...

Big Earth imager to be tested on small Vega CubeSat

A briefcase-sized CubeSat being flown on Europe's next Vega launcher this week will gather 340 km wide views of Earth's vegetation growth, employing a spectral imager originally designed for ESA's decade-in-flight Proba-V.

Vega's fuel-free CubeSats will use wings to keep in formation

Spain's trio of ANSER CubeSats, due to fly on Europe's next Vega launcher, will fly like a flock of birds in orbit—in more ways than one. Keeping in formation by following their leader, the three shoebox-sized satellite ...

Avian flu hits bird paradise of Galapagos Islands

The Galapagos National Park said Tuesday that it had detected its first cases of avian flu on the remote islands, home to unique bird species that helped inspire the theory of evolution.

Glaciers could provide powerful new volcano monitoring tool

Glaciers could become a powerful tool for monitoring some volcanoes, according to new research that shows for the first time how the altitude of glaciers located on volcanoes could signal future unrest including the threat ...

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