Wireless patients

A wireless monitoring system for people with debilitating conditions such as Parkinson's disease or chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder (COPD) could allow healthcare workers to assess a patient's health and the development ...

Easy-build wireless networks

(PhysOrg.com) -- Networks that monitor life-threatening situations or improve environmental efficiencies will be easier and cheaper to develop and operate, following the creation of a single middleware solution for the entire ...

Sniffing out terrorists

A new intelligent system has been developed to help identify terrorists carrying explosives. Sensitive electronic noses capture the smell of the explosives; the system processes the acquired data, correlates it with individuals' ...

Early warning system could keep lights on

(PhysOrg.com) -- Researchers at The University of Manchester are developing 'early warning systems' that could prevent power blackouts in the UK.

Peer-to-peer heart monitoring

The possibility of remote monitoring for chronically ill patients will soon become a reality. Now, researchers in South Africa and Australia have devised a decentralized system to avoid medical data overload. They describe ...

Researchers create tool for monitoring brands on Twitter

Universidad Carlos III de Madrid has developed a monitoring tool with which brands can test the effects of their strategies on social networks. This program can control millions of 'tweets' and reveal the strengths and weaknesses ...

Indonesia, India named as biggest shark catchers

Indonesia and India on Tuesday were named as the world's biggest catchers of sharks in an EU-backed probe into implementing a new pact to protect seven threatened species of sharks and rays.

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