Snow leopard diet determined by DNA analysis of fecal samples

Knowledge about animal diet can inform conservation strategy, but this information can be difficult to gather. A new DNA-based method, which analyzes genetic material from feces, could be a useful tool, and researchers have ...

Scientists embark on Mongolia ice-making experiment

( -- Confronting temperature extremes of harsh winters and hot summers, Mongolia will now be the site of an experiment to address climate extremes and bolster supplies of water for its people. According to a report ...

Hundreds of rare antelopes die in Kazakhstan

More than 440 endangered Saiga antelopes were found dead in western Kazakhstan last week, suspected victims of the same epidemic that killed 12,000 animals last year, officials said on Monday.

Water for Mongolia

Clean water is a rare commodity in many countries of the world and governments often face problems ensuring its reliable supply. In Mongolia, an interdisciplinary research team is demonstrating how this vital resource can ...

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