Beyond milkweed: Monarchs face habitat, nectar threats

In the face of scientific dogma that faults the population decline of monarch butterflies on a lack of milkweed, herbicides and genetically modified crops, a new Cornell University study casts wider blame: sparse autumnal ...

Gardeners can help protect butterfly populations

Bees aren't the only pollinators suffering from a massive North American die-off. Butterflies and moths, those flying flowers of the insect world, are disappearing too.

Researcher investigating navigation system of bogong moth

An international team of researchers that includes Barrie Frost is hoping to unravel the mystery of how bogong moths navigate during their annual migration to and from caves in the Snowy Mountains of southeastern Australia. ...

Milkweed, monarchs, men, and madness

The iconic monarch butterfly is known for its annual migration from Canada and the US to Mexico where they overwinter then fly north again in spring. University of Guam (UOG) entomologists Aubrey Moore and Ross Miller facilitated ...

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