Laser beams with a 'twist'

(University of the Witwatersrand) Using geometric phase inside lasers for the first time, researchers find a way to change the orbital angular momentum of laser beams.

Physicists zoom in on gluons' contribution to proton spin

By analyzing the highest-energy proton collisions at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC), a particle collider at the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE) Brookhaven National Laboratory, nuclear physicists have gotten ...

Leiden physicists entangle four rotating photons

For the first time, scientists have entangled four photons in their orbital angular momentum. Leiden physicists sent a laser through a crystal, thereby creating four photons with coupled 'rotation'. So far this has only been ...

Rare earths advance search for unified theory

Rare earth elements are used in computer hard drives, electric motors and to generate and amplify the lasers at Lawrence Livermore's National Ignition Facility (NIF). Future applications may include serving as memory for ...

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