New research study to shed light on emerging seaborne pathogen

A new research study at the University of Delaware seeks to determine why Vibrio parahaemolyticus, a microorganism that lives in seawater and is related to the bacterium that causes cholera, is expanding its range and virulence.

Mysterious pearl shells unearthed in French Polynesia

What was everyday life like for French Polynesians in the 19th century? An archaeology team co-led by the University of Sydney's Associate Professor James Flexner sought to find out during fieldwork in the Îles Gambier (Mangareva ...

Slug glue: A future with no sutures?

The materials for stitching up injuries and surgical wounds may have changed over the millennia, but the basic process of suturing tissue remains the same. In the 21st century, however, the method may finally become outdated.

Morocco's illegal mussel pickers ply non-eco trade

Thousands of Morocco's unemployed slum-dwellers head to the Atlantic coast every morning to scrape a living as illegal mussel pickers. But experts say they threaten the health of the marine ecosystem.

Keeping oysters, clams and mussels safe to eat

Eating raw or undercooked mollusks may pose a safety hazard if they are harvested from waters polluted with pathogenic microbes, so U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) scientists are studying ways to enhance the food safety ...

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