New study offers hope for halting incurable citrus disease

The devastating disease Huonglongbing, or citrus greening, looms darkly over the United States, threatening to wipe out the nation's citrus industry, whose fresh fruit alone was valued at more than $3.4 billion in 2012.

At-home COVID-19 tests: How good are they?

As the country gets vaccinated and begins to reopen, testing remains a key element of safe interactions. Rapid testing for COVID-19 has become more common and accessible, including over-the-counter (OTC) tests approved by ...

Ultra-high-strength metamaterial developed using graphene

New metamaterial has been developed exhibiting hundreds of times greater strength than pure metals. Researchers from KAIST have developed a composite nanomaterial. The nanomaterial consists of graphene inserted in copper ...

A better test for a potato pest

A U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) scientist has created a new weapon in the war being waged against the potato cyst nematode-a diagnostic test that identifies the type of nematode infesting a grower's field.

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