Scientists crack sparse genome of microbe linked to autoimmunity

Scientists have deciphered the genome of a bacterium implicated as a key player in regulating the immune system of mice. The genomic analysis provides the first glimpse of its unusually sparse genetic blueprint and offers ...

Seabed study shows inhabitants' diversity

The tiny creatures that live in seabed sediments are far more genetically varied than we thought – and they're spread around the oceans according to similar rules to those governing the distribution of bigger plants and ...

Execretion analysis aids primate social studies

The arrival of molecular genetic analysis of both genes and hormones is providing scientists unexpected and unprecedented information about animals -- provided the researchers can find ways to get acceptable samples, said ...

Promiscuity of resistance plasmid unprecedented

Genetic analysis of an outbreak of drug-resistant infections in one institution shows an unprecedented level of transference of resistance among strains and even species of bacteria. Researchers from the University of Virginia ...

Can we use eDNA as an 'environmental magnifying-glass'?

An innovative idea submitted by Bangor University has been selected as one of eight projects selected within four "idea" areas to be funded by the Natural Environment Research Council's (NERC) new "Highlight Topic" research ...

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