Invention jet prints nanostructures with self-assembling material

A multi-institutional team of engineers has developed a new approach to the fabrication of nanostructures for the semiconductor and magnetic storage industries. This approach combines top-down advanced ink-jet printing technology ...

Researchers open door to advanced molecular electronic metrology

( —Continued advancements using a NIST-developed molecular-level fabrication technique are leading to new discoveries in the metrology for molecular electronics by advancing large-area (μm to mm range) connections ...

New method of producing nanomagnets for information technology

An international team of researchers has found a new method of producing molecular magnets. Their thin layer systems made of cobalt and an organic material could pave the way for more powerful storage media as well as faster ...

Scientists design, control movements of molecular motor

(—An international team of scientists has taken the next step in creating nanoscale machines by designing a multi-component molecular motor that can be moved clockwise and counterclockwise.

Folding funnels key to biomimicry

(—Proteins are able to self-assemble into a wide range of highly ordered structures that feature a diverse array of properties. Through biomimicry - technological innovation inspired by nature – humans hope to ...

Researchers grow semiconductors on graphene

Researchers at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) have patented and are commercializing GaAs nanowires grown on graphene, a hybrid material with competitive properties. Semiconductors grown on graphene ...

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