Navigating in the ocean of molecules

( -- Tracking down new active agents for cancer or malaria treatment could soon become easier - thanks to a computer program with which researchers from the Max Planck Institute of Molecular Physiology in Dortmund ...

New e-science service could accelerate cancer research

The University of Manchester and the European Molecular Biology Laboratory's European Bioinformatics Institute (EMBL-EBI) have launched a major new e-science resource for biologists - which could accelerate research into ...

Catching the common cold virus genome

A new study by Brigham Young University researchers on the virus behind nearly half of all cold infections explains how and where evolution occurs in the rhinovirus genome and what this means for possible vaccines.

Tiny details in three dimensions

They are borne by ticks and can cause acute and chronic symptoms in joints, muscles and the nervous system - the bacteria that cause Lyme borreliosis, which 80,000 people in Germany contract every year. Heidelberg researchers ...

Cracking a controversial solid state mystery

( -- Scientists can easily explain the structural order that makes steel and aluminium out of molten metal. And they have discovered the molecular changes that take place as water turns to ice. But, despite the ...

Software speeds up molecular simulations

( -- Whether vibrating in place or taking part in protein folding to ensure cells function properly, molecules are never still. Simulating molecular motions provides researchers with information critical to designing ...

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