That's cool! Flash-frozen pictures reveal molecular world

A groundbreaking technique awarded the Nobel Chemistry Prize on Wednesday has allowed scientists, using unearthly cold temperatures, to produce exquisitely detailed images of the tiniest structures in cells.

Foresight Institute Announces Feynman Prize Winners

( -- The Foresight Institute, a nanotechnology education and public policy think tank based in Palo Alto, has announced the winners of the prestigious 2009 Foresight Institute Feynman Prizes in Nanotechnology.

Scientists create custom 3D structures with 'DNA origami'

BOSTON--By combining the art of origami with nanotechnology, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute researchers have folded sheets of DNA into multilayered objects with dimensions thousands of times smaller than the thickness of a ...

Glowing channels: Microanalysis system for rapid mercury detection

( -- Water contaminated with mercury is very dangerous for both people and the environment, as mercury is one of the most toxic heavy metals. Though laboratory analyses do deliver precise quantitative measurements, ...

Scientists study how to improve pesticide efficiency

In 2007, a controversial pesticide was approved by the Food and Drug Administration for use on fruit and vegetable crops, mainly in California and Florida. Farm workers and scientists protested the approval of the pesticide ...

Investigating the detection limit of electrochemistry

With recent improvements in instrumentation and confinement techniques, the detection of molecules using electrochemical techniques has become easier than ever before; however, there are still many conditions which restrict ...

What a ride! Researchers take molecules for a spin (w/ Video)

( -- Kolomeisky and Rice graduate student Alexey Akimov have taken a large step toward defining the behavior of these molecular whirligigs with a new paper in the American Chemical Society's Journal of Physical ...

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