Why synonymous mutations are not always silent

New modeling shows how synonymous mutations—those that change the DNA sequence of a gene but not the sequence of the encoded protein—can still impact protein production and function. A team of researchers led by Penn ...

Study finds effect of Earth's orbit on ancient microorganisms

Curtin University researchers studying molecular fossils or "biomarkers" from deep beneath the Chicxulub impact crater have found evidence of how microorganisms changed in response to fluctuations in the Earth's climate, ...

Dense liquid droplets act as cellular computers

An emerging field explores how groups of molecules condense together inside cells, the way oil droplets assemble and separate from water in a vinaigrette.

Using nanopores to detect epigenetic changes faster

Changes known as epigenetic modifications play an important role in cancer development. Being able to analyze them quickly and reliably could contribute significantly to the further development of personalized therapy. A ...

How light and temperature work together to affect plant growth

Plants lengthen and bend to secure access to sunlight. Despite observing this phenomenon for centuries, scientists do not fully understand it. Now, Salk scientists have discovered that two plant factors—the protein PIF7 ...

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