Aggression de-escalation gene identified in fruit flies

The brain mechanisms that cause aggressive behavior have been well studied. Far less understood are the processes that tell the body when it's time to stop fighting. Now, a new study by Salk scientists identifies a gene and ...

More green spaces linked to slower biological aging

Northwestern scientists have conducted a new study to see if living near green spaces, like parks and areas with a lot of plants, can affect how our bodies age and contribute to overall healthy aging.

Dinosaur-bird connection

The return of the American robin to back yards across the country is a lovely sign of coming spring. But the little songbird with the orange-red breast and bright blue eggs has some not-so-lovely relatives: the crocodile ...

How not to solve the climate change problem

When politicians talk about reaching "net zero" emissions, they're often counting on trees or technology that can pull carbon dioxide out of the air. What they don't mention is just how much these proposals or geoengineering ...

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