Unprecedented cellular maps of tissues enabled by new tool

The study of the human body at single-cell level has received a boost with the creation of a new tool, which will allow researchers to see not only the function of cells, but also where they are situated within tissues. The ...

Observing the secret life of molecules inside the cell

To understand how cells function, scientists study how their different components—from single molecules to multiple organelles—work together. Using traditional structural biology techniques, they can look at individual ...

Visualising cell structures in three dimensions in mere minutes

Viral pathogens like the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus change the interior structure of the cells they infect. These changes occur at the level of individual cell components—the organelles—and can provide information on how ...

Scientists pinpoint protein's role in critical gene expression

Each cell in our body needs a fuel source to grow and divide to keep us alive. Most cells prefer a fuel source of high energy-containing sugar, but there are many times when our cells find themselves in short supply and must ...

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