Soil pores, carbon stores, and breathing microbes

Researchers at the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) recently studied how moisture influences soil heterotrophic respiration. That's the breathing-like process by which microbes convert dead organic carbon in the ...

Study suggests physical cause for cell death in dry preservation

A new finding in experiments studying the dry preservation of living cells—a potentially revolutionary alternative to cryopreservation - has defined a clear limit where continuing dehydration kills cells. The data, combined ...

How rain is dependent on soil moisture

It rains in summer most frequently when the ground holds a lot of moisture. However, precipitation is most likely to fall in regions where the soil is comparatively dry. This is the conclusion reached by researchers at ETH ...

El Nino cycle has a big effect on a major greenhouse gas

Nitrous oxide is commonly associated with laughing gas—the pleasantly benign vapor that puts patients at ease in the dentist's chair. But outside the dentist's office, the gas plays a serious role in the planet's warming ...

Salt causes chalk cliffs to collapse

Salt plays a greater role in undermining chalk cliffs than previously thought, say scientists. Until recently, if a chalk cliff collapsed it was blamed on waves eroding its base, or the chalk weakening as it became saturated ...

It looks, feels and tastes like chicken, but it's made of soy

Sure, some delicacies might taste just like chicken, but they usually feel and look much different. Soy meat alternatives, such as the soy burger, have become more popular recently, with increased sales of eight percent from ...

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