Assembly of fluctuating molecules in artificial cell membrane

Lipids and membrane proteins existing in cell membranes, which are located at the outermost layer of cells, are responsible for recognizing extracellular environments and transferring that information inside the cell. Due ...

Modern modulators for Fermilab accelerators

Take a walk along the hall that houses Fermilab's linear accelerator, and you'll see tall sets of brightly lit shelves that resemble fancy vending machines. But instead of snacks and beverages, they hold boxy structures that ...

Image: MetOp-C payload module

The payload module of MetOp-C, Europe's latest weather satellite, is in place at ESA's technical centre in the Netherlands for rigorous testing in space-like conditions.

Scientists create high-speed coding system

Scientists of the National Research Nuclear University MEPhI (Russia) have proposed a scheme for optical encoding of information based on the formation of wave fronts, and which works with spatially incoherent illumination. ...

CHEOPS space telescope celebrates first thousand days in orbit

After 1,000 days in orbit around the Earth, the CHEOPS space telescope shows almost no signs of wear. Under these conditions, it could continue to reveal the fascinating details of many exoplanets for many years to come. ...

Device tosses out unusable PV wafers

Silicon wafers destined to become photovoltaic (PV) cells can take a bruising through assembly lines, as they are oxidized, annealed, purified, diffused, etched, and layered to reach their destinies as efficient converters ...

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