Gravity goes lunar: Putting LESA to the test

Looking to the not-too-distant future when the European Service Module will propel European astronauts in the Orion spacecraft to the Gateway and on to the surface of the moon, scientists and engineers are eagerly exploring ...

Image: Tests complete for Orion

The first Orion spacecraft that will fly around the moon as part of Artemis to return humans to the lunar surface has finished its space-environment tests at NASA's Plum Brook Station in Ohio, U.S.. The vehicle—that can ...

A flexible solution for secure IT in cars

Today, almost everything in your car is managed by an electronic control unit (ECU). The problem is that these minicomputers are increasingly coming under attack. Fraunhofer researchers have now developed a platform that ...

An energy-efficient means of water damage restoration

Over a million cases of water damage due to rotten pipes are reported in Germany every year. Infrared heating panels and plastic enclosures are used to restore damaged walls, but they consume large amounts of energy. A new ...

Navigating the shopping center

With a GPS receiver in your smartphone, you can navigate your way over highways and streets with certainty. But once you get inside a building, it provides no further assistance. That’s why Fraunhofer researchers, together ...

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